Are you looking for assistance in helping your tranferees find the perfect rental in the shortest time possible? Are your tranferees unhappy with the results they’re getting through the rental finding process?
After 14 years in the rental and destination service provider business, we know you’re not alone. We often hear horror stories about transferees’ experiences when it comes to finding and securing a rental home during the transfer process. But, we’re here to help. Below are three proven facts why your transferees would prefer to work with a rental finding company.
Renters who receive rental finding support from a qualified, local rental consultant make better informed leasing decisions. Through the agent’s knowledge, factual demographics, and professional Q&A support, renters move forward with leasing decisions. These decisions are made more comfortably and more quickly when they have local guidance from a quality professional assisting them in their acclimation and rental finding experience.
Renters who receive rental finding support secure a lease and actually understand what it says. Yes, it’s true that renters can find rental options on their own, but how do they confidently sign a 1-year lease in an area they barely know when left to their own resources?
Well, sometimes they don’t. They often sign short-term leases and experience significant rent increases in the 4th month. This is not always spelled out clearly in a lease, but rent increases need to be addressed up front.
Renters receiving support are informed enough to sign longer term leases or understand the consequences involved if short-term leasing is their goal. Most importantly, they can secure that new address, begin to settle-in, and enjoy their new city, new job, and new home.
Renters who receive rental finding support reduce days in temporary, transitional housing, saving employers thousands of dollars. Cost is only a small part of the process, but it sure does help to save money, while making your transferees happy at the same time. Check out our Cost Savings Study.
It’s easy to calculate this fact. When renters are afforded a visitation trip and an opportunity to have professional assistance arranging rental viewings and securing a lease, the need for transitional lodging diminishes. If you cut a 30 day stay to 14 days, it’s easy to experience a $2,000 savings – per renter.
Interested in learning more? Give us a call at 888-622-4325 or download our free e-book:
5 Areas to Reduce Renter Lump Sum or Managed Relocation Costs
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