It’s More Than a Rental Tour

It’s more than a “rental” tour. In today’s rental market where inventory is slim in so many areas in the U.S., renters have to deal with a multitude of challenges. Throw in pets and things get even harder! At PorchLight, we pride ourselves on the fact that we work as hard as we can to arm all renters with information, the tools they need to succeed, and provide them with the best experience possible—through well-planned corporate rental assistance.

But sometimes the best made plans fall short—or do they? The service for the following transferee didn’t result in a rental tour. The legwork to lead up to the tour date was completed, the date and time were set—but remember those challenges I mentioned? This email from a transferee perfectly embodies that even though PorchLight didn’t get to provide a rental tour, that indeed we still did provide a valuable service and experience.

On paper this wasn’t a beneficial financial outcome for PorchLight as a business, since the tour didn’t take place. And sometimes that’s what happens. But in the end this family found the perfect place that would accept their pet—and this is what we work so hard every day to achieve! So this is a success story and a win-win for all!

Hi Kathryn,

As Collette, my tour expert may have already told you, we decided to cancel the rental tour in Pueblo that was originally scheduled for tomorrow. Our tour expert called this afternoon to inform me that she was having a very difficult time finding anything that would fit my basic needs in the area (not being an apartment complex and allowing a dog). Since I arrived in Pueblo Tuesday afternoon and started searching and perusing the neighborhoods to get a feel for the town, I ran into the same exact problem. The properties that allowed pets were poorly maintained and in less than ideal parts of town. Fortunately, I did come across one property in my search and despite his listing stating no pets, he was open to the idea. We ended up verbally agreeing to a lease right before my tour expert reached out to me this afternoon, so it ended up all working out in the end. The house is in an ideal part of town, and I’m really happy that I came across it.

I must say thank you for suggesting the pet resume idea. While I ultimately didn’t need to furnish it to win over my new landlord, putting it together and having all of my ducks in a row as far as his vaccination records really prepared me for successfully selling the idea of allowing a pet. Your words were also corroborated by an acquaintance of mine who owns a few properties in New Orleans.

I hope to be in touch with you and my tour expert in the coming months as I eventually hope to purchase a house in the area.”

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In this case, the information contained in a pet resume was a very helpful tool. We find that this extra step in being prepared could open up some additional options because the landlord gets to see your pet, knows that you have all the proper vaccinations and it shows a level of responsibility to give them comfort that you will take care of their property.

Congratulations Dave! We wish you the best in your new home! From your friends at PorchLight.

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