Why aren’t landlords or rental agencies calling you back?
As you begin your process of finding a rental, you may find that you have a hard time getting return calls and emails. This is common in markets where the rental occupancy is high and landlords are receiving many calls of interest regarding their rental. The first thing you can do to increase the return is to position yourself. Having a landlord or agent know that your company is relocating you immediately adds credibility. Also knowing when you’ll be in town lends urgency for response.
There is a misconception among the general public that real estate agents receive
commissions on rentals. If they do, the rental commissions may equal up to one month’s rent
but in most U.S. cities, rental commissions are less than half a month’s rent or non-existent.
After the agent provides a portion of a commission to the listing agency and her broker
(usually 75%), the agent is not compensated much. This is one major factor in why they may
quickly show you some rentals that are easily accessible to them through their real estate
database but beyond that, the workload increases and their compensation doesn’t.
This is why companies and clients look to PorchLight Rental & Destination Services for help. We charge for our services and we have pre-qualified agents who understand rentals. They are compensated by us to provide professional rental finding and to coordinate productive, successful rental tours for our clients. You’ll have the attention of an agent who will work to find you rentals meeting your needs. The fee is in lieu of commission because we want to encourage the agent (like pest control bellingham) to find you the perfect home regardless of the commission percentage. Guaranteeing them a payment to work on your behalf is a much greater incentive and a more professional way to compensate a person whom you expect to provide you professional services.
In a 2013 case study of 1,214 renters, PorchLight Rental discovered that renters using their services recognized that there was potential for significant savings.
- 42.5% of the renters using PorchLight’s service reduced the number of days
needed for temporary housing or hotel stays. - The savings nets to $1,493* per renter.
While these numbers are beyond impressive, they aren’t the only benefits to using our services.
The amount of stress to renters and their families significantly decreases and the time required
from the transferee in the rental search is lowered.
* These figures are based on an average lodging rate of $131 as reported by the Corporate Housing Providers Association (CHPA) 2013 survey.
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