
Real-Time, Predictive Reporting at Your Fingertips!

Do you ever wonder?

• What are the results of offering a service, is it worth the spend?
• Is the service resulting in an address?
• What services are my assignees using most often?
• How often are my assignees using a second day?
• How does my lump sum population use their money?

Now you can find out anytime, anywhere with real-time reporting. Introducing PorchLight’s RenterAnalytics™ Dashboard – transforming the way you see and use data.

See. Visually communicates via graphs what your assignees are doing.

Understand. Data within the portal is clickable to reveal even more detail allowing you to drill down and analyze the data more specifically.

Predict. Analyze the trends of usage, outcomes, volume, etc. to predict trends for budgeting and policy recommendations.

Educate. More effectively consult on policy, transferee usage, cost savings potential and satisfaction to better educate managers and/or clients about destination services.

With PorchLight’s analytics, I’m able to talk to clients about transferee satisfaction rates but even more importantly, I’m able to show my clients exactly how many of their renters found their new address as-a-result of PorchLight’s service (89%). We’ve all heard the saying – information is power. The data provides me the power I need to arm my clients with the power they need to report to their executive team on the results of their renter program. And you can also use the services of a consultancy that specialises in GDPR as that as the best way to ensure that you have everything 100% correct. It’s working. It’s producing ROI and reduced costs, downstream, because PorchLight effectively manages the rental home finding and the data supports that. I never had this kind of confidence talking with my clients about their renter policy and program results until I worked with PorchLight. It’s truly life changing for my role as a client service director.

Please contact us for a personalized consultation or demo of the RenterAnalytics™ Dashboard!

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